sister-in-law, Allison tagged me last week, and I've been working on my response since then. I had to put it into a Word doc to capture my thoughts, and here's the result.
7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die...
1. Take a hot air balloon ride
2. Visit the towns in Sicily where my family came from
3. Take a photography class
4. Operate heavy equipment, like a bulldozer or backhoe or something
5. Make a million memories with Matthew
6. Learn to speak Italian
7. Teach Matthew all of our families’ traditions
7 Things I Can Do...
1. Find anything on the internet
2. Play a good game of chess
3. Laugh at myself
4. "Shoot the duck" on roller skates (or at least I used to be able to – haven’t tried in ages!)
5. Read people
6. Function pretty well on little sleep (so I’ve discovered!)
7. Cuss like a sailor
7 Things I Can't Do...1. Whistle (except through my teeth)
2. Swim
3. Touch the tip of my nose with my tongue
4. Carry a tune
5. Tolerate my cat’s constant shedding and incessant talking
6. Sleep without my shoulder covered by a sheet or blanket
7. Be in charge of the alarm clock because I tend to just incorporate the noise into my dreams
7 Things That Attracted Me to My Hubby…
1. Those beautiful blue eyes
2. He’s so stinking smart
3. The way he really listens, and remembers what you say
4. He’s the most considerate man I know
5. The way he smiles at me
6. He’s a snappy dresser
7. The way he loves his family
7 Things I Say Most Often1. How’s my boy doin’?
2. Are you serious?
3. No doubt.
4. Don’t be nuts.
5. Can you turn it down a little?
6. Love you. Bye.
7. What else?
7 Celebrity Crushes
1. Tom Brady

2. Al Pacino

3. Matthew McConaughey

4. Gordon Ramsay

5. Matt Damon

6. Brian Williams

7. Bear Grylls

I'm following suit with
Gini and not tagging anyone. But, I'd love to hear from anyone who's willing to share. I have to say this one was very thought-provoking. They say you should have a list of things you want to do before you die, and prior to this, I'd never really given it any thought. Now I'm glad I did.....