Thursday, March 25, 2010

Team-Up Thursday

Week 9 Theme - Happy

Mine on top, and Gini's on the bottom.

I love how different these are this week. I, of course, had to go with my smiley little girl, who is the epitome of happy (most of the time, anyway!). I just adore those toothless grins!

And Gini's picture was obviously meant to be. Just happened to be her fortune at dinner last night.

Oh, and don't forget to add "in bed" to the end of it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Team-Up Thursday

Week 8 Theme - Close Up

Mine on top, Gini's on the bottom. I love the contrast of these two pictures, in color and also in the feelings they seem to evoke. The cool solitude of the page vs. the warm togetherness of my beautiful nephews. Love how this turned out.

Lately it occurs to me (...what a long, strange trip it's been....oh, sorry) that these Team-Up Thursday posts may come off a bit conceited, since my sister and I are so pleased with our own work. All I can say is this - we certainly don't intend it to come across that way. Just really enjoying this creative challenge and the opportunity to do something together.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day....

from our two little leprechauns!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Team-Up Thursday

Week 7 Theme - Relax

Gini's photo on top; mine below. For me, Gini's picture exudes relaxation - the warm glow of the fire, feet up after a long day, and best of all, the pedicure. Ahhhh.......

The teacup in mine is one that belonged to Dennis' great aunt. She had a huge cupboard full, and I was fortunate to be able to give many of them a new home when hers was cleaned out. There's a wonderful assortment of cups and saucers, that together make a beautiful, eclectic collection.

So suddenly I'm feeling the need to redecorate the built-ins in our dining room....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Team-Up Thursday

Week 6 Theme - Walk

Gini's photo on the left; mine on the right. This was a fun one this week. My original thought was to take a picture of a walk signal. You know, showing the little orange guy walking. But, I didn't fully think through what it would take to capture that. Didn't stop to think that if there's a walk signal somewhere, it's probably because there's a fair amount of traffic. I knew there was a signal near the Old Town Hall (the brick building in the background). So, I drove over and proceeded to head to the crosswalk. Then it dawned on me. In order to capture the signal on walk, I'd have to press the button and stop traffic. Which would be fine if I was planning to actually cross the street and not just stand there clicking away. Whoops! So, I grabbed this shot on the first try and quickly ran across to the other side, figuring I'd snap a quick shot or two of the orange guy on the way back. I walked down the sidewalk for a bit before turning around and going back to cross back over, so as to not look too crazy. I was psyched because two other people out for a walk came to cross at the same time. Jackpot! Unfortunately, the hood over the signal that shields it from the sun so it can be seen was bent in half, covering the stinking guy up. Oh well, not to be. Just as well, because I think this combo works great. Love how Gini's shows a peaceful path, while mine implies the busyness of the street.