It seemed like he sensed something was different today. Lately, we've taken to snuggling a bit in Mommy & Daddy's bed once Daddy goes to work. Today, he got some extra snuggle time with Daddy instead, which I know he loved. He loves his Daddy.
Here are a couple of pictures of him while we were getting ready this morning. Don't you think he looks like he's wondering what's up?
Fortunately, Matthew was sleeping when Daddy dropped him off this morning, which made it a bit easier - no tearful goodbyes, you know. They had a big sign on the door welcoming him, which was very sweet. I only called once to check on him, and his "teacher", Amanda, said he was doing great, and I was sure he was. I couldn't wait to leave work to go pick him up - the pictures of him that I plastered my office with just weren't cutting it. I walked in to find him sleeping in a bouncy seat. Amanda got him up for me, and as I was taking him from her, he started to cry. I had to fight the feeling that he wasn't happy to see me. He then proceeded to spit up all over me, but I didn't mind in the least. Fortunately, once he got over being woken up, he gave me a bunch of his big, beautiful smiles. You know, the kind that seem to take up their whole face. Ahhhh....heaven! All's right with the world again.
He got a great progress report for today. They printed out a bunch of pictures they took of him, and he was all smiles. I swear, they are some of the best pictures of him yet. I know we signed a piece of paper that says any pictures they take remain their property, yadda, yadda, yadda....but man, I've got to see if I can get my hands on them.
Here's a picture of him now...all tuckered out from his big day.
I'm so lucky that I'll be working from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hopefully Daddy will be able to come home and have lunch with us. I think I'll get Matthew up extra early tomorrow so I don't miss a minute.
I am glad that your day went well yesterday. We were praying for you guys! Enjoy your day at home.
Oh, I was thinking about you yesterday, Kimmy. I am so glad it went well. And the spit up always waits for Mommy, doesn't it? Enjoy today, and give him a kiss from his Auntie Allison.
We wanted to call so bad last night but just knew it wasn't the thing to do. Matthew has stollen our hearts forever and we love it.
How could you leave that sweet little face????? Just kidding. You guys are great parents and you are doing what you has to be done to provide the best life possible for Matthew and if that means you go to work and he goes to daycare thats just what it is - it's not just about you and Dennis anymore and you are proving that to your son....he will love you for it. That is the great thing about kids, they love you no matter what and no matter how much we think we are doing the wrong things sometimes.....
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