I have a question for all you people who feel the need to treat those you deem beneath you like crap. Just what do you get out of being rude and condescending to people working to make an honest living? Seriously. Where's the fun in that?
Case in point - my visit to Big Y tonight. I can honestly say that almost every time I'm in this particular store, I witness some snotty person (male or female) being obnoxious to one of the store's employees. Tonight, it was two biznotches at the deli. The first one, dripping in tons of tacky gold jewelry, looking like she hasn't worked a day in her life, felt the need to give the young man waiting on her a hard time about everything. "Show me the way you're slicing the cheese." "Show me the Italian roast beef." "Throw away the first slice". All said in the most demeaning tone you can imagine. Then, the second one, in her fancy dark-washed Levi's denim shorts and hair out to here. She asked for something - I couldn't hear what - but apparently they were out of the brand she asked for. The young girl waiting on her apologized, and offered her another brand. She huffed and puffed, but agreed. The girl went to open a new package for her, and for God knows what reason, this lady barks out "Forget it. I don't want it." And storms off... The young girl just stood there dazed for a minute.
I reeeeeeally wanted to follow both of these women and get up in their faces to find out what exactly they got out of being so rotten. I mean, you've gotta have some serious issues to take pleasure in harassing high school students working in the grocery store for minimum wage.
Here's the craziest part. You've never seen a nicer group of people than the employees in this store. There's actually a bell near the exit that you can ring if you've received good service. I've felt compelled to ring this bell on my way out on more than one occasion - that's how nice they are. It's a wonder they're still nice with the way they get treated.
OK, end of rant. I'm coming down off my soapbox.
On a completely unrelated note - is it just me, or is Hoosiers one of the best movies of all time? It's on right now, so I must go pay attention. Gotta cheer on the boys from Hickory.