It was one of those know...the ones that look kinda scary from the outside.
But, oh, what a little gem. Those who saw past the outdated exterior (and interior, for that matter) were treated to a great meal, cooked fresh to order while you watched, without dropping too many pennies. You would grab a tray, cafeteria style, and slide it on down to place your order with the cook (usually Bob). Two #8's for us - two eggs (over medium), corned beef hash, toast, homefries, and tea (which you fixed for yourself as you moved down the line). Sometimes, like today, we'd add a homemade muffin - really more like a mini loaf of bread - which Bob would split in half lengthwise, butter, and slap on the grill. You'd grab some silverware, napkins off the roll, and a squeeze bottle of ketchup. You'd be handed your plates, and slide on down to the register to pay.
More often than not, Bob would be a one man show - cooking, making coffee, restocking supplies from the fridge, getting fountain drinks, and cashing you out - all the while getting caught up on how you've been and who you've seen since the last time you were in. Amazing he's lasted 34 years - he works his tail off.
Goodbye, Bob, and best of luck to you. We'll miss you and The Galley.
Oh, that picture of Matthew waving "bye bye" really drives this one home. LOVE IT. A poignant blog, my friend. :)
WOW! I've never been to the Galley in all of my years in West Side, but it sure will be weird driving by and it not being there.
Sounds like it would have been a fun breakfast joint. Remember the Red Rooster in Suffield? I LOVED that place! Why do all the good ones go away???
That is crazy! I, like Denise, have never been to the Galley, but it has always been a part of West Side and it will be strange not to see it there. B is going to be so bummed about it closing - he has spent many high school mornings there. Bye Bob!
Well I guess you will have to try Memo's or the cup. I a lifetime West Springfield ite, have never stepped foot in the Galley but I do remember Denny going before fishing and when he worked for the school department with Art.
Now if the White Hut ever closes then you will see tears.
buh bye....
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