Today is our baby boy's first birthday. Hard to believe that it's been a whole year since he came into our lives, filling it with so much love and joy, making us a family. The year has flown, and as I looked back through literally thousands of pictures we've taken in the last 365 days, I was brought to tears by the enormity of the love I feel for this little man, and for my husband and best friend, who is his amazing father.
I struggled to choose from among all the pictures - so many different phases and stages, each beautiful and wonderful in its own special way. So, I decided - keep it simple. I think these sum it up perfectly.


We love you, Matthew Francis.
Happy Happy Birthday Matthew. What a great looking family you make. The milestones he will reach in the next year will absolutely FREAK YOU out. In a good way!!! It will be another 365 days of amazement.
Happy Birth day Matthew Francis! Auntie Debbie and Uncle Brendan can not wait to see you at our house in a couple of weekends!
It is hard to believe that a year ago today I met that little boy in the hospital. You two are such great parents. XOXO
I hate typos...Birthday should be one word!
This brought tears to my eyes... GREAT POST, Kimmie.
We love you guys!
(and where did you get those pictures taken?)
Happy, Happy Birthday, little man!
Happy Happy Birthday! He is a handsome babe for sure!
Happy Birthday! I cannot believe it's been a year already. Wow!! He's one beautiful baby.
Happy Birthday Baby. You make Nanna and Poppy so happy.
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