We spent this past weekend visiting Dennis' sister Debbie and her husband, Brendan, up in Saranac Lake, in the Adirondacks. We had a great weekend - we really love it up there, and Debbie and Brendan have a cozy place that feels just like a second home.
Matthew had a very fun time, and especially loved chasing their kitties around the house, yelling at the top of his lungs. They were too quick for him this time, but once he's walking, I think he's gonna give them a run for their money.
We took tons of pictures, so I thought I'd share some of our favorites.

Take special note of the bottom left picture in this one....there are two people climbing up high on the ice. Holy cow!!

We left on Sunday morning, and took a leisurely trip back home. We made a few stops along the way, and finally landed home just before 5:00. As we were just turning onto our road, here's what we saw.....

Ummm.....yeaaahhhh.....isn't the gutter supposed to follow the roof line???? Nice, huh?
Welcome home! Anyone know a good gutter guy??
1. Brrr....
2. Dang, it looks cold.
3. That's a lot of ice.
4. Did I say brrr....?
Looks like Matthew had a blast. I'm sure Brendan and Debbie were so glad to have you guys!
oh yeah...nice gutter. Good luck with the gutter and wish me good luck with my washer....
The barn pic is the best. Bet the trip was a blast! Matthew gets more adorable every day!
The neighbors are like...what happenned to the neighborhood? Knowing Dennis if he'd have been there, he would have taken it down the second it fell! Good luck, let me know if I can help.
Those pictures are awsome. They make you feel like you are there.
matthew looks like he had a blast.
Do you believe that ice castle?
Not so good on the gutter but it is amazing that it didn't cause any damage to the house.
We had a great time with you guys! The pictures came out great. Come back soon!
Sorry to hear about the gutter - that sucks!
Fun!! It's great that you have family in a cool place!
{I guess I could go spend a weekend in Queens... LOL}
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