Allow me to bitch for a few moments.
I have so had it with watching people get screwed. Two weeks ago, I wrote about some folks at work getting laid off. I was (and still am) grateful to have kept my job.
Today, I went to pick up Matthew at daycare, and as usual, I logged into the computer and checked him out for the day. I checked our mailslot, and found a few papers in there. One saying they need verification of his most recent physical, a state health assessment form, and a third sheet which turned out to be a letter from the director. I read it in disbelief.
In a nutshell, it said that due to the economy, enrollment in the center is down, and that as a result, Thursday, March 12th (yes, today) would be Amanda's last day. Amanda is Matthew's primary teacher.
I am just devastated. This young woman has taken such wonderful care of Matthew over the last year, and he really loves her (and she him). You can just see it. Don't get me wrong - the other teachers are wonderful, too. But there's just something special about their relationship.
I walked into the infant room, and saw her almost immediately. I just said her name, and she knew that I knew. She had Matthew with her, and she immediately started to cry, as did I. We hugged, and I thanked her for everything she's done for us this past year. Matthew is a happy, well-adjusted, fun-loving boy, and she's played a part in that. We will miss her so much - all of us - me, Dennis and most of all Matthew. It breaks my heart to think about him looking for her and her not being there. Gosh, who'd have thought I'd say that? Remember
this post? Yup, that was Amanda. Thankfully she's planning to stop by and visit, and they're hoping to be able to hire her back in the future if things pick up again.
I'm so pissed that it's had to come to this. All because of the greed of people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Ordinary people just trying to make a living are getting their lives upended. Here's someone who I'm sure isn't making a huge paycheck, doing what I consider to be the most important job in the world, losing her job three months before her wedding. Nice.
Something's gotta give, folks. Things are just so out of hand.
Update 3/13: Just wanted to clarify something lest I give the wrong impression. I'm not blaming the folks at daycare - they're not the greedy people I'm talking about. I'm talking about those fat cat CEO's who are sitting pretty while everyone else suffers the consequences.