As we arrived at the Festival, we reminded each other about a similar fair we went to last year, also in the hilltowns of Massachusetts. Let's just say we stuck out like sore thumbs. This time, not quite so bad, although if I had known where we were going, I might have chosen a different shirt for Matthew....

We got to see lots of different animals, which was great. Matthew got to check out a few, up close and personal...

He also got to go on his very first pony ride. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he actually did fine. He was a bit distracted, and didn't want to hold on to the horn of the saddle. He was more interested in touching the pony's mane. We went round and round a few times, and he could barely take his eyes off the creature beneath him.
We definitely saw some things we'd never seen before.......a composting toilet, a bearded lady (and not like in a side show tent for people to check her out - just saw her doing a demonstration with her horse), and this....