As we arrived at the Festival, we reminded each other about a similar fair we went to last year, also in the hilltowns of Massachusetts. Let's just say we stuck out like sore thumbs. This time, not quite so bad, although if I had known where we were going, I might have chosen a different shirt for Matthew....

We got to see lots of different animals, which was great. Matthew got to check out a few, up close and personal...

He also got to go on his very first pony ride. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he actually did fine. He was a bit distracted, and didn't want to hold on to the horn of the saddle. He was more interested in touching the pony's mane. We went round and round a few times, and he could barely take his eyes off the creature beneath him.
We definitely saw some things we'd never seen before.......a composting toilet, a bearded lady (and not like in a side show tent for people to check her out - just saw her doing a demonstration with her horse), and this....
Great pictures of the landscape Kimmy.
Garrin has the same shirt that Matthew does - thank you Old Navy...
And I'd love to see the expression on his face but all your stinking, I mean, your beautiful curly hair is in the way!!
NO comment on the Pigeon Plop. Not even going there....
I love Fair Season!! I love New England!! What a wonderful and fun husband you have, Kimmie!!!
What a gorgeous day for a fair and I love the pictures you took! You guys are such an awesome family!! Like Gini, I'm not sure what to say about Pigeon Plop Bingo....
Good old New England fairs...you have to love them. Great place to people watch!
I love the picture of Matthew petting the cow...his face is priceless.
It was great seeing you guys Saturday night! I got you guys all to myself!
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