So, here goes nothing.....This first shot is from September, 2000 - nice hair!! Notice how my big mop has completely obscured Gini's head.....
Why did I agree to do this??
I must say - I've certainly aged in the last 8 years, but every bit of it has been worth it. I wouldn't have my life any other way.
There's that hair that is the reason why my grandfather always askes how my sister-in-law, "Julia Roberts" is doing! Motherhood agrees with you!
Kimmy you look great. I would say you don't look older, but instead happier!
You do look GREAT! and you do look like Julia Roberts...especially that great smile!
Aged my a$$. You are gorgeous!!! Even dressed as a zombie for Halloween you were pretty, unlike the rest of us. ;o)
Oh, I added you to my blogroll and I'm adding you to the meme. Tag! You're it! ;o)
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