We've noticed lately that Matthew has been paying attention when we eat and drink, following things as we move them toward our mouths. So, when he went for his four-month checkup this past week, I asked the doctor if it was OK to try giving him solids to see if he was interested. He was happy to see that Matthew has great head control, so he gave us the green light. As is typically the case, he suggested we start out with rice cereal, so we thought we'd give it a try.
Here are a couple of pictures of the first attempt....
I don't know - I don't think he's too interested. Maybe we should try some Cranberry Almond Crunch - something with a little pizzazz.
OK, OK, here are some shots of the real first attempt. It was pretty liquid-y, to keep it close to what he's used to eating, so you can see he got a bit on himself. Not bad, though, for a first try...
The second try went even better - he was actually leaning forward toward the spoon, and got annoyed if we didn't feed him fast enough. Have a look....

I can't wait to try out other new foods - veggies are next!
One downside, though, as all you parents out there already know. Introducing new foods also means a whole new experience in the diaper department....

Go Matthew! I can't wait to see that little man in June. Love you all!
That is just awesome! I can't even remember when I started James on rice cereal, by spoon, I did put some in his bottle earlier on I think. Anyhow--aren't all of these milestones so great?? And look at those blue eyes!
god they grow up so fast. wasn't he just born??!!
He is so freaking cute.
Nice - with the Rice Crispies box, you're funny. He is definitely ready.....his eyes are lit up!
That is so funny. Now I understand about the look Denny got. Now he can share our Sunday night share.
That second to last picture is ADORABLE! Looking up like that~so cute!!!
good for you matthew!! it's kind of amazing how they gobble that stuff down. my daughter is 16 months old and eats oatmeal (the real quaker oat kind) for breakfast everyday. she never outgrew that consistency. this is exciting stuff. god luck with veggies!
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