Thursday, January 28, 2010

Teaming Up

Last week, my sister emailed me about a post she'd seen on this blog. It was regarding a creative venture called "Team-Up Thursday", in which two partners photograph a common theme or idea and create a diptych of what each has captured. Pretty cool idea, I thought. I love photography, despite my lack of a truly serious camera (yes, I have camera envy for my sister's monster machine). And, I've been seriously lacking in the blog post department lately, despite having plenty going on in my life to blog about.

And so, Gini and I are teaming up to see what we can come up with. Should be interesting to see how differently (or similarly) the two of us interpret the same theme each week.

So, here's Week 1's diptych, on the theme of "Movement".

This is gonna be fun.


Gini said...

Glad you didn't go with your original idea for "movement"!!! Ha Ha Ha

This IS going to be fun...looking forward to the next theme.

Kim said...

That's just where your mind goes when you're changing 15 diapers a day....