Monday, July 28, 2008

Not gonna rain on our parade

Lately it seems that whenever we decide to head out for a ride, it ends up raining. I'm not talking sprinkles here. I'm talking full on thunder, lightning and torrential downpours. Usually, it's just a matter of us not checking the forecast before setting out. But this weekend, we knew what we were in for, and we headed out anyway.

Where to, you ask? Well, the beach of course! OK, not exactly the beach, but the shore, anyway. Old Saybrook, to be exact. I wanted to show Matthew where I used to fish with my Poppy. Those are some of my favorite memories - climbing down under the causeway and setting up on the rocks. Fishing all day, landing a few flounder here and there, having sandwiches (one slice of ham and one slice of cheese on Sicilian bread, choke dry - my favorite!), and drinking coffee from a Thermos. I used to have my grandfather bait my hook. I didn't mind touching the worms, but he used to break them in half. Ewwwww....... Such a sweet man, and he even did it for me after I hooked him in the eyelid while casting out one time. Niiiiiice....

Anyhow, I digress. So, we checked the forecast, and saw there was a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for Old Saybrook. Looking at the radar, we saw some nasty stuff passing through, and another storm not far behind it, so naturally we took that to mean we had a window of opportunity.

Well, not exactly. It was storming pretty hard when we got down to the shore, but it was great just the same. The water was churning, and the lightning show was spectacular. We hung out for a while, just watching the boats coming in and out. It started to let up a bit, so we captured a couple of shots.....

Notice the seagulls on top of the sign? Nice shot, babe!

By around 3:30, we decided we were famished, since we hadn't eaten since 8:30. We headed out in search of a place we could go dressed as we were. We decided to stop at a place we had passed on the way.....Voted Best in Connecticut. Celebrating 35 years. OK, must be good.

Well, let me just say this was quite the experience. After having to defend my decision to have a clam roll rather than the clam strip platter to our waiter, Mohammed ("The platter has a lot more clams. The roll just has bread." Yup, uh-huh, got that - that's why I'm ordering it.), we had some lunch. It was edible, but not someplace we'll be going back to. Ever. On our way out, Mohammed and another waitress said "Thank you. Come again please." To both of them, I said "Don't count on it." Not sure how quietly I said that, now that I think about it.

In any event, the spookiest part of lunch was not so much the food, or even the little washboard that had the day's specials on it. It was the teddy bears. They were everywhere. At first, I thought the family sitting near us had brought their giant teddy bear with them to lunch. But then, Dennis pointed out that all the tables with kids had a teddy bear sitting in one of the chairs. Now I'm no germophobe, but come you think those bears have EVER been cleaned or hosed down with Lysol in 35 years? How many kids have sat on those bears and had a little accident? Thank God Matthew was in his car seat so Mohammed was not tempted to bring one for him. Not sure what it was voted Best in Connecticut for - perhaps Best Collection of Dirty, Freaky Teddy Bears?

On the way out, we spotted this tell me - is that a bear? Looks like a gopher in drag to me.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lovin' the Bumbo

I've been fighting buying a Bumbo seat. I don't know why, exactly. Maybe it has something to do with the crazy colors they come in. But after seeing Matthew in one at school the other day, I knew we had to get one.

And, can I just say, he absolutely loves it! I'm officially a convert. I think it gives him a new perspective, and makes him feel very independent. Check out these pictures.....

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I am SO buying this!

OK, I've stumbled upon what is quite possibly the greatest invention of all time. Behold...

The Edge brownie pan by Baker's Edge. Every serving has at least two edges!! Is that not the best part of a brownie?? A bit pricey, but I must have this! Can't wait to make my favorite Ghirardelli brownies in this beauty.

Question: Is it a problem that I'm pining for brownies from this pan at 10:00 in the morning? Nevermind. Don't answer that.

Friday, July 18, 2008

How time flies....

Hard to believe my baby......

is six months old today.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I've been making a concerted effort lately to try to buy grocery items when they're on sale, mostly because I'm completely enraged at how the prices are escalating. I've also been trying to overcome my brand snobbiness in favor of the cheaper store brands on many items. Today, I actually took the time to read the flyers in the paper, and planned my grocery list accordingly. I was pretty psyched at some of the sales, and even more psyched that I was going to Stop and Shop, where I wouldn't have to deal with redeeming coins or bitchy customers or ridiculously high prices just because of the town we've chosen to live in. Take a look along with me at some of these bargains......

OK, so that last item got nixed from the list. When I mentioned to Dennis that I was going to buy something other than Tropicana Pure Premium, I was met with some resistance. I must admit - it didn't take much to twist my arm on that one. :)

So, off Matthew and I go to the store. I load him up in the Baby Bjorn and we're on our merry way through the aisles. First stop - the deli. I get my honey ham, and as I'm dropping it into my carriage, I notice that the label says $6.99/lb. Hmmm....what's up with that? I figure - OK, I must have asked for the wrong one. So, I proceed over to the seafood counter, and large shrimp, not jumbo, are $6.99/lb. What the hell? Suffice it to say that as I continue along, I notice that nothing is priced as it should be. I'm ready to go up to the courtesy desk (is it actually called that anymore?) and raise a stink, when it dawns on me. Does Stop and Shop not start their sales on Thursday? Used to be that all the sales in all the stores ran Sunday through Saturday - nice and easy to remember. Little by little, different stores have changed their dates, but I thought they'd all gone to Thursday through Wednesday. Apparently in poring over the flyer so diligently, I missed this........


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Man, that was quick!

Well, we've returned from our week-long vacation in Maine. It was hard to leave - I must admit that I even cried a bit as we left the house this morning. We had an awesome week, and as is usually the case, we lucked out with beautiful weather. Combine that with an amazing place to stay and great company and it just doesn't get much better. We're pretty sleepy, as Matthew has been doing some fierce teething the last couple of days. Apologies to everyone for the 4 a.m. wakeup call yesterday! I'll put together a slide show of some of our favorite pictures, maybe tomorrow, but for now, here are a few shots to sum up the week.

Check you later.....

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Thought I'd put up some pictures of Matthew painting "fireworks" at school this week. Just so you know - his lips really aren't blue in the 3rd picture - the printer at school was running out of ink.

Hope everyone has a great Fourth!