Thursday, April 29, 2010

Team-Up Thursday

Week 14 Theme - Fruit

Fruit Diptych

Gini’s on top, mine on the bottom.

I love Gini’s interpretation of this theme. It’s unexpected, in that there’s no real fruit depicted. Love reading the names of all the fruits instead, and looking at the painted pictures of them.

I must admit that I pulled this one out at the last minute. I had a hard time deciding what to do this week. I had planned to hit the grocery store, but didn’t manage to get there yet this week. Probably just as well – I’m not quite sure how I would have looked taking photos in the produce section. And, since my Peapod order is not coming until today, I didn’t have much for fruit in the house. I did, though, have these last few bananas, which to me are just now at the perfect ripeness. Can’t wait for breakfast….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the dip-thingie, hate brown bananas, love you. :)