Thursday, May 13, 2010

Team-Up Thursday

Week 16 Theme - MOM

Mom Diptych

Ummm, yeah…Gini's on top, mine on the bottom.  So, great minds think alike, right?

I must admit, though, this isn’t where my mind went initially.  When I first saw the theme for this week, my initial thought for the subject of my photo was myself.  My second thought was of my Mom.  And when that thought came to me, I instantly felt guilty for having had the first.  I thought that I must be awfully self-centered that my mind didn’t immediately go to my own mother when I saw the word Mom.  I wondered if after 23 years of not seeing her face or hearing her voice, she was starting to lose that place in the forefront of my mind.  But after giving it some thought, I realized that wasn’t it at all.  And, I found that the real reason was something to be happy, not guilty, about.

I realized that, for me, Mom has become my identity.  It’s more than my title; it’s who I am.  It’s how I think of myself, and not just in terms of my babies, but also with my husband.  I’m not only his wife, but the Mom to his children.  And it’s a role I cherish.  So, I guess it’s only natural that this is where my mind would go when I see the word Mom.  It’s because on that day when I first became one, I came to realize the depth of the love that comes with that title.  I came to understand how my own Mother must have felt for us three, and in that understanding, I felt even closer to her.

Anyway, back to the diptych.  I love that we both had the same thought, and love that both shots have flowers – life to offset the death.  Gini obviously thought to bring some with her, unlike me.  =)


Gini said...

Great minds DO think alike. I also like what you wrote. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

I love you so much. You're an amazing mom.