Thursday, March 27, 2008

Massachusetts J. Frog?

I've figured out who Matthew is going to take after. It's this guy.......


For those of you who aren't familiar with him, he's Michigan J. Frog from Looney Tunes. He had this fabulous talent that you see in the above video, but every time his owner would try to show him off to anyone, he'd just croak like a plain old frog.

Just like Matthew. It seems as soon as I get out the video camera, whatever cute thing he was doing immediately stops. Here's one cute clip I was able to capture. He's extremely fond of a striker plate from the old louvre doors in the living room doorway. This thing elicits the biggest smiles and laughs. We just hope when he's old enough to talk that he remembers why he loved it so much.


1 comment:

Gini said...

That is hysterical! He is so damn cute, too...