Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Our boy has boo-boos!

Today we took Matthew to his two month doctor's appointment. We've had mixed emotions leading up to this appointment. We were anxious to see how much he weighs, and how much he's grown, but we also know he'd be getting several immunizations today.

I'm happy to say that he got a great report from the doctor. He's gained nearly 2 lbs in the past month, and is now 10 lbs 7.5 oz. He's also grown another 1.5 inches, and is 23.5 inches long. He's in the 25th percentile for weight and head circumference, and the 75th percentile for length. Looks like he'll be tall like Daddy. The doctor said he looks great, and gave us the OK to stop waking him during the night to feed him, and just let him wake up on his own. He also said he wouldn't expect his eyes to change color, which I was very happy to hear since they're such a beautiful shade of blue. We even made it through the appointment without anyone getting peed on, although we did have a messy diaper to tend to when we first arrived.

Then, it was time for the immunizations. Fortunately, one was given orally, but he also received three shots. He let out a good yell after each one, and held his breath for a little while, but then settled down very quickly. He was so brave, and I was very proud. He got three cute little Peanuts Band-Aids to cover his boo-boos, and I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Now he's resting, peaceful as a little angel. You wouldn't guess anything out of the ordinary had happened today. As for me, all I can say is thank God he doesn't get any more shots for another two months. I should recover by then....


Gini said...

Wait til he gets older and can run out of the room, before the shots........or when they are even older and really scream. Either way - it is no easier on the parents as they get older. He looks like nothing even happened today!

Anonymous said...

Our poor little pumpkin. When you really think about it that a lot of shots.

That is so nice that you could both go to the visit.

You are great parents and we are very proud of all of you.

Allison said...

I know, that is so hard, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

he's not lucky