Saturday, May 24, 2008

I don't know about this...

My baby brother has challenged us all to post old pictures of ourselves so we can see who's aged the most in recent years.

So, here goes nothing.....This first shot is from September, 2000 - nice hair!! Notice how my big mop has completely obscured Gini's head.....

And here's a shot from last weekend at Long Meddowe Days.

Why did I agree to do this??

I must say - I've certainly aged in the last 8 years, but every bit of it has been worth it. I wouldn't have my life any other way.


Allison said...

There's that hair that is the reason why my grandfather always askes how my sister-in-law, "Julia Roberts" is doing! Motherhood agrees with you!

Chris said...

Kimmy you look great. I would say you don't look older, but instead happier!

Jerolyn said...

You do look GREAT! and you do look like Julia Roberts...especially that great smile!

Claire said...

Aged my a$$. You are gorgeous!!! Even dressed as a zombie for Halloween you were pretty, unlike the rest of us. ;o)

Oh, I added you to my blogroll and I'm adding you to the meme. Tag! You're it! ;o)