Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My meme

No, I'm not referring to my grandmother - it's meme, not mèmè, and besides, I'm not French...

By definition, a meme is a unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. In cyberspace, a meme is basically a list of questions you see or are "tagged" with, that you then answer yourself.

So, I've been tagged by my sister with the below meme, so here goes...

Five Things in My Bag:
  1. BabyGap socks
  2. Frog bib
  3. An angel medallion
  4. A Max Restaurant Group gift card from the Mehan's
  5. 16 Big Y coins - including one red one that I won last night - the coin gods must be reading my blog!
Five Favorite Things in My Room:
  1. Matthew - Yes, he's still sleeping in our room. Yes, I know he's almost 4 months old. And your point is???
  2. My mother's Madonna statue (as in The Madonna, not the singer) This statue started out as part of an arrangement at my grandfather's funeral, then was used at my mother's, too.
  3. The giraffe Dennis built me at Build-A-Bear. It wore my engagement ring around its neck on Christmas Day, 2005.
  4. My jewelry box (and its contents!)
  5. Our featherbed and duvet
Five Things I Have Always Wanted To Do:
  1. Go for a ride in a hot air balloon.
  2. Go back to Italy, and make it to Sicily this time.
  3. Learn to swim. I know - how ridiculous is it that I'm thirty-some-odd years old and I can't swim? Chalk it up to nearly drowning as a kid when my sister and I pretended we could swim. Smart.
  4. Own a goat - a brown and black one.
  5. Marry a wonderful man and have a beautiful baby -technically, no one said it had to be something I haven't done.... =)
Five Things I Am Currently Into:
  1. Making Matthew laugh
  2. Reading parenting magazines
  3. Sabra Greek Olive Hummus
  4. Finding reasonable airfare to Vegas so we can visit this fall
  5. Blogging, actually....

Five People I Want To Tag:

  1. I got nothin'.....the only people I know who blog have already been tagged....to everyone else, I say
  2. Start
  3. Your
  4. Blog
  5. Now!


Allison said...

Yup--the airfare thing is a KILLER!!! Hmmm .I'll do the hot air balloon ride with you. And Puh-leeze--I wish I had had James sleep in our actual bed with us more than a few times--that way maybe I could get him to snuggle in with us and STAY THERE on Saturday mornings!

Gini said...

It's about darn time you posted....great to read!!! You are funny.

Kim said...

Well, he's in his bassinet, but does come into bed with us for an hour or so in the morning before we get up. Hopefully, he'll want to do that when he has the choice!

Anonymous said...

Ok so I dont blogg but zi'll let you tag me.

5 Things in my pocket book
1 Tape Measure
2 Bandaids
3 Home Depot gift card
4 Cleaning cloth for my glasses
5 Baby Gap Charge Card

5 Things in my bedroom
1. The most comfortable bed
2. jewlery box
3. Three teddy bears dressed to the nines
4. Antique rocking chair
5. Spankie's dog bed

5 Things I have always wanted to do
That's a hard one at my age.

1. Visit Canada
2. Be a finished carpenter
3. Live in Boston with my Man
4. Go to Hawaii
5. Write a book

Anonymous said...

5 Things I am into right now

1.Matthew Francis Egan
2.Gardening up a storm
3.Book Worm
4.Spending time with my husband always have always will be.
5.Putting up a new fan in our bedroom

5 People I would like to tag


Denise said...

CRAP! I've been tagged.

5 things in my bag:
- day planner
- bottle of water
- address book
- starbucks gift card
- ditty bag

5 things in my bedroom:
- our wedding picture
- a piece of coral from st. john
- a small jar of stones collected from different beaches
- the best view of back bay, the charles river and cambridge
- stack of magazines to read

5 things I want to do:
- have a super duper organized and completely up-to-date filing system
- take dance lessons
- get in shape
- own a small farm animal (possibly a baby chick with its own warming light)
- play the violin

5 things I am into right now:
- planning for our new place on the cape
- putting together our black and white photo project
- the OCF conference that I am planning
- donating $ to hillary clinton's campaign and praying for a miracle
- sirius satellite radio

Redhead in Vegas said...


i knew gini had a brother, but a sister, too? nice. i was wondering who that adorable little Matthew belonged to on her page. now it all makes sense. great blog.

gini's bloggy friend from las vegas.

Kim said...

Thanks for stopping over, Carey! I'm the much younger sister. Sorry, Gini - that's payback for all the years you told everyone you were muuuuuch younger than me!