Thursday, May 29, 2008

Out for a drive

One of our favorite things to do is venture out on the weekend for a drive, just taking in the scenery and the beauty of nature. Since I didn't grow up in these parts, Dennis is in charge of planning the route. And let me just say - he never disappoints.

This Monday we decided to head out on just such a drive, despite the fact that gas is over $4.00 a gallon. Seriously, folks, something's gotta give. When is this craziness going to stop? Ugggh....don't get me started...

Anyhoo....we took a nice leisurely ride, heading out to the Berkshires by way of Southwick, Granville, Tolland, Sandisfield, and Monterey. It was a gorgeous day - windows down and such, and the ride could not have been prettier. Thank goodness we have a child who doesn't mind his car seat and loves looking out the window because we purposely went the looooong way. We ended up in Tyringham, somewhere we've gone before. There's this beautiful stream behind the town library, where Dennis' Uncle Matt (yes, Matthew's namesake) used to take him fishing. We've fished there before, and decided it was time to introduce Matthew to this little honey hole. While we were there, we saw four fish jump - oh, to have had a license and a pole! Here are some pics of our visit...

We left the library and headed further down the main road, taking detours down a couple of side roads to follow the stream through some amazing farms. Made us want to have a farm of our own -minus all the hard work and getting up at the a$$ crack of dawn, that is. Along the way, we stumbled upon these cool are they??

By this time, we were famished, so we headed into Lee to have lunch at our favorite little place there - Salmon Run Fish House. I highly recommend the buffalo shrimp - so yummy! We had our fill and headed out. As tempting as it was to stop off at the outlets in Lee, we decided it was time to get Matthew home. We made it back with about an hour of daylight (and a 1/2 tank of gas) left.

The day left me wondering if Matthew will grow up with our same appreciation for the beauty of nature. I wonder if he'll enjoy the journey as we do, with no special activity planned, just reveling in the fact that nothing manmade can even come close to the awesome wonder of nature. Somehow I know the day is right around the corner when Matthew and Daddy will come home just before dark, exhausted from following that stream and catching a load of fish. I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that Matthew will appreciate the beauty of life. He will have great teachers as Uncle Matt taught Denny and God taught you.

My heart lept to see the honey hole. It is a special place in my heart that I have never had the opportunity to visit. I could feel my brother just viewing the pictures. Seriously I feel him with me right now. Thank you for that gift Kimberly and Dennis.

Debbie said...

What a great day! I have tears in my eyes reading about the honey hole. I can't wait to see pictures of Dennis and Matthew's fish lined up on a board.

The bass are really biting up here! You guys are going to have to come up and visit us soon.

Claire said...

I'm guessing with your influence that Matthew will learn to appreciate theses activities and nature. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Love the pictures!

Allison said...

I love Monterey and Lee. No outlet shopping for me, though, I would rather walk down Main St. in Stockbridge and Lenox and then eat at Joe's Diner in Lee. Of course Matthew will ove fishing with his Daddy--just like James will love wrenching on cars with his!

Denise said...

Now THAT is a good family day! xo

Chris said...

That looks like fun! We used to love drives like that out towards Ashford to spy on your Uncle!

Gini said...

OK - don't tell anyone I am saying this........but that is one thing I miss....taking those drives with no destination, seeing what there is to see and eating where ever looks like it may be memorable. did I just say???